make a difference in their lives
If you are interested in helping us grow, any of the following acts of service would be beneficial to our mission.
Each option is simple but has a resounding impact on what our organization is able to accomplish.

Make a Major Difference
Community Partners
If you and/or your organization would like to become our partner, contact our office through email ([email protected]) or by phone (662-840-0974).

Celebrate Autism Awareness and Acceptance
The Autism Center works hard to get our community involved during the month of April by asking our supporters to celebrate autism awareness and acceptance.
We invite businesses, organizations, and individuals to participate in our Autism Awareness and Acceptance 5K run at Ballard Park, purchase an Awareness and Acceptance t-shirt from our website, enjoy a burger at Burger Frenzy or come up with your own Autism Awareness and Acceptance event.

Share/Sell Our Shirts
Promote Autism Awareness and Acceptance t-shirts by purchasing one (or several)! Tag us on Facebook when sharing your support on social media. You can also support Autism Awareness and Acceptance by selling these unique t-shirts!
Another way is ask your workplace or organization if you can have Blue Jean day. For a small donation (i.e. $5) to wear jeans or Autism Awareness and Acceptance shirt to works with proceeds going to ACNM.
Follow for Events
When the Autism Center of North Mississippi is hosting an event, we encourage you to share the information on your social media page in order to gain more involvement. For instance: the annual Autism 5k/Awareness Walk, any upcoming training or workshops, and other fun things in the community.
This is free marketing, as user visibility increases as the number of social media shares increases!
‘Like’ our Facebook page, share our posts, and invite your friends to “Like” our page as well.
Follow Us
Start your own Fundraiser
Have an idea for a creative Autism Awareness and Acceptance fundraiser? Go for it! It is so fun to watch our community discover unique ways in which to support the cause of autism and the mission of the Autism Center. We are more than willing to share your efforts on social media to increase support for your event!
Fundraising Ideas
Some fundraiser examples would be:
- 5k, motorcycle rides
- bicycle rides
- toy-drives (collect new or gently used toys for the center)
- carwash
- awareness walk, etc.